Discover a world of flavours in vegan food

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Wednesday, 20th October 2021

“Vegan food is restrictive, I won’t be able to eat my meat and it’s too expensive,” you would think most people are still saying about vegan or plant-based food.

Statistics have shown a growing interest in veganism. Google trends from the past 12 months has revealed a growing interest and curiosity for this healthy way of living with the top five searches being:

1.       Vegan restaurants near me

2.       The vegan chef

3.       Vegan meaning

4.       Lekker vegan

5.       Vegan snacks

Vegan experts have had to debunk many misconceptions and myths about the diet. According to these experts, it is not restrictive or a vegetarian diet as you will be eating lots of beans, legumes, and whole grains, which cost less than meat or fish – and they’re packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Most experts agree that having some meat, fish, poultry, or dairy in small amounts is healthy. The goal for veganism is to refrain from the use of animal-based or animal-derived products. Being vegan encompasses a lot more than just dietary choices. This change in perspective extends to every field of life that involves animal products. 

Janine Harris, one of the owners of recently opened restaurants, Fork & Dagger; and The Annexe in Makhanda said the need to include vegan dishes is growing, especially among young adult females. “We aspire to be inclusive to all so that everyone who walks through our doors feel that they can order something off our menu. No matter who you are and what your pocket or diet requirements are,” she said.

So, what exactly will you be gaining from following this lifestyle? Janine said many people choose to follow veganism or alternative healthy diets for many reasons. “It’s not just health, and it is not easy, it takes dedication and education in order to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. If researched correctly and a balanced diet with the correct food groups are adhered to, there are many benefits which include:

  • Rich in nutrients your body needs
  • Can reduce the risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes, lowers cholesterol, and reduces arthritic pain
  • Can boost your mood
  • Maintain a healthy body weight and healthy skin
  • Metabolism benefits
  • Cognitive benefits
  • And can promote greater self-control

But all these benefits can also be achieved through other dietary choices if researched and followed through,” said Harris.

If those benefits don’t get you running towards your first taste of vegan food, the Fork & Dagger Restaurant and The Annexe makes healthy eating even more attractive by allowing you as their customer to build your own plate or bowl. The restaurant, located on 49 African Street and The Annex on 63 New Street, offers vegan, salads, curries, breads, starter sides and even desert options! The Fork and Dagger is open Tuesday to Saturday for Breakfast Lunch and Dinner and on Sunday for Breakfast and Lunch. The Annex It is open Monday to Friday from for breakfast, lunch and early dinner as they close at 18H00 on Saturday they are open for Breakfast and Lunch, closing at 14H00.

Fast fact:

Veganism is not simply a definition of a diet, but a way of living. "The word 'veganism' denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practicable — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." – Vegan Society of the UK definition of veganism.

For more insight into vegan food, click here. You can also follow The Fork & Dagger Restaurant: @theforkanddagger or The Annexe on Facebook: @forkanddaggertheannexe

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