My Adventure at Glen Boyd Game Reserve

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Monday, 13th June 2022

Recently I was fortunate enough to enjoy a visit to Glen Boyd Game Reserve.  They have some lovely glamping accommodation, and I thoroughly enjoyed the game drive, including ‘meeting’ the Roan Antelope named Bob and hearing his interesting story. 

There are many giraffe, zebra and other antelope including black impala and I got some good photos despite not being very skilled and having only a cell phone camera.  Our group were then taken to the other half of the properties at Majeje Africa Safaris to go and see the trophies prepared on site at their local taxidermy.

Now I must be honest and admit I do not ‘get’ the trophy hunting thing. We used to hunt on the farm for food or destroy pests(warthog/bushpig) or occasionally to cull some of the wild herds, but why someone would feel the need to kill a magnificent animal to hang a trophy on a wall is something I cannot fathom.  I must also admit that I don’t quite ‘get’ the need to run after a ball and score a goal either, but each to his own.

While I approached the whole enterprise with a somewhat jaundiced eye, our guide Diesel was very informative, and patient and I came away reassured.  He explained that there are several forms and certificates that hunters MUST acquire before they can hunt; that each hunter has to prove he is skilful enough on a shooting range; that only a limited number of animals are shot each season and this is dependant on population and if, for example, a bull has been breeding for 4 years and needs to be replaced to improve the genetic bloodline of that population. Diesel and Rala also explained how the hunting had kept the game farms running and avoided job losses during the Covid 19 period and how funds from hunting are utilised both for maintenance of infrastructure as well as building and staffing a school on the property, thereby dramatically improving the quality of life for local families.

We then went into the Taxidermy buildings where I discovered that wildebeest are much larger than I had imagined them to be – I always thought they were about the same size as impala.  There were many fascinating and beautifully mounted busts of a wide variety of animals – including some shot outside the farms.  The business provides employment to about 20 staff, most of whom have benefitted from on-job training. What could have been a rather gruesome tour turned out to be very interesting and informative.

I would definitely recommend a stay at Glen Boyd. The accommodation was well priced, the food delicious, and there was a wonderful laid-back atmosphere.  Young children stay free of charge so it is affordable for families and it is close to town – about a half hour’s drive!

Blog contributed by Sanette Styn.

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