Township Cruise Experience

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Friday, 21st January 2022

Did you know? 

One of the best experiences you can enjoy in Makhanda is doing a township cruise. Here are some fun spots to check out:

Bluetooth is located in Joza and is known for its vibe and DJ music. Local cuisine such as isbindi, qadidi or umnqabulo and ulusu can be purchased from vendors that are nearby this tavern.

Jazz Corner, also situated in Joza, is popular for hosting its Sunday Chillas events. Many of the socialites get snapped by the resident photographer, Lazola DjAdmix Mvula and can be viewed from The Jazz Corner Grahamstown Facebook Page. You can enjoy a variety of tasty food from stalls adjacent to the tavern. Food includes anything from tshisanyama to hot chips.

If you want to extend your township cruise in Joza, then pop into the nearby tavern, CoolSpot before heading to Mfana's Tavern in Ndancama. This is perfect spot for an evening of pool and a top tshisa nyama experience.

You also can't visit the Makana area without popping into Mandisa's Tavern, a street away from Mfana's Tavern. This well-known tavern in Makhanda is another great meat lover’s mecca and features an outdoor tshisanyama dining area, indoor seating and a pool table.

Photos courtesy of Lazola DjAdmix Mvula

Location: Jazz Corner, Makhanda

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