Late Bloomer by Vimbs Mavimbs Archival Access and Collective Memories

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Date: Saturday, 8th March 2025
Time: 17:00

This event explores the intersection of personal growth, historical preservation, and the transformative power of sound. Inspired by Vimbs Mavimbs' "Late Bloomer", a deeply introspective jazz project that mirrors an 18-year journey of becoming, the event delves into how music—both personal and archival—shapes identity and artistic expression. Just as Vimbs’ musical evolution is rooted in childhood memories and the records that shaped him, the ILAM archives hold sonic histories waiting to be rediscovered.

By granting access to these archives, we bridge the past and present, allowing today’s musicians and audiences to engage with collective memories embedded in sound. This dialogue between lived experience and preserved music asks: How does the music of our past shape the sound of our future? Through shared stories, archival exploration, and live performance, "Late Bloomer – Archival Access and Collective Memories"becomes a space where history breathes, memory resonates, and music continues to bloom.

This event explores the intersection of personal growth, historical preservation, and the transformative power of sound. Inspired by Vimbs Mavimbs' "Late Bloomer", a deeply introspective jazz project that mirrors an 18-year journey of becoming, the event delves into how music—both personal and archival—shapes identity and artistic expression. Just as Vimbs’ musical evolution is rooted in childhood memories and the records that shaped him, the ILAM archives hold sonic histories waiting to be rediscovered. By granting access to these archives, we bridge the past and present, allowing today’s musicians and audiences to engage with collective memories embedded in sound. This dialogue between lived experience and preserved music asks: How does the music of our past shape the sound of our future? Through shared stories, archival exploration, and live performance, "Late Bloomer – Archival Access and Collective Memories"becomes a space where history breathes, memory resonates, and music continues to bloom.
17:00 – 18:00 | Music / Sonic Dialogue 
In between sessions, Adon Geel & Elijah Madiba will be playing a selection of vinyls from the ILAM archives.
19:00 – 21:00 | The Talk 
Curated by Adon Geel (The Black Power Station), Vimbs Mavimbs, and Mr. Elijah Madiba (ILAM).
Tickets: R50 - R100 (Students - Adults) on Quicket.
 Food & Refreshments available
Corkage allowed
Venue: The Black Power Stati


17:00 – 18:00 | Music / Sonic Dialogue

In between sessions, Adon Geel & Elijah Madiba will be playing a selection of vinyls from the ILAM archives

19:00 – 21:00 | The Talk 

Venue: The Black Power Station

Date: 08 March 2025

Curated by Adon Geel (The Black Power Station), Vimbs Mavimbs, and Mr. Elijah Madiba (ILAM).Tickets: R50 - R100 (Students - Adults) on Quicket.

Food & Refreshments | Available Corkage allowed.

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