Lockdown Level 4 Extended

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Monday, 12th July 2021

Level 4 lockdown has been extended for another two weeks but it comes with a bit of a relief for restaurants and eateries.

This was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 11 July who recognised that the restrictions had consequences for individuals, households, and businesses. However, not addressing the rising Covid-19 infections would have far more reaching consequences, he added.

The following restrictions will remain in place until 25 July:

− All social, political, religious, and other gatherings remain prohibited.

− A curfew remains in place from 9 pm until 4 am, and only those with permission to do so may leave their homes during this time.

− The sale of alcohol remains prohibited.

− Schools will remain closed until 26 July.

− It remains mandatory to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth whenever you are in public.

Here are the updated restrictions under adjusted lockdown level 4:

− Restaurants and eateries will be able to operate while observing strict health protocols. Such establishments may not accommodate more than 50 people at a time or, for smaller venues, more than 50 percent of their normal capacity.

− Certain other venues, such as gyms and fitness centres, may also open and activities such as agricultural livestock and game auctions will be allowed, subject to the conditions outlined in regulations.

Ramaphosa said the country’s national response, since the onset of the pandemic, has been guided by the latest available evidence and the advice of experts. “We know that reducing the instances where people are in close proximity to others helps to contain infections. We know that the coronavirus spreads at funerals, at office meetings, at parties, at family occasions, and restaurants and taverns.” So when people move, the virus moves with them, he added.

Ramaphosa said the pace of vaccination has more than doubled in the last month, and will continue to increase with a target of more than 300 000 a day. He encouraged those who qualify for vaccination to pre-register in order to speed up the process at vaccination sites.

For some relief to small businesses, all business licenses and permits that expired between March 2020 and June 2021 will remain valid until 31 December 2022. New business licenses or permits that are issued from the 1st of July will also be valid until 31 December 2022, and no license fee will be payable.

Learn more at: https://bit.ly/3r5wo6I

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