Restrictions eased on gatherings, movement & alcohol

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Monday, 26th July 2021

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the country's return to adjusted lockdown level 3 with immediate effect in a national address on Sunday evening (25 July).

He said that the overall decline in new infections meant that it was possible to gradually ease some of the restrictions on gatherings, movement and the sale of alcohol. Therefore, the following restrictions have been eased:

The curfew will be adjusted to 10pm to 4am;

Non-essential establishments such as restaurants, taverns, bars and fitness centres may open but need to close at 9 pm to allow their employees and patrons to travel home before the start of the curfew;

Gatherings will be allowed but will be limited to a maximum of 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors. (This includes religious services, political events and social gatherings.)

Alcohol is permitted for off-site purchase from Monday to Thursday, from 10am until 6pm, and on-site consumption according to license conditions, but closing at 8pm;

Interprovincial travel for leisure (after it was closed in Gauteng) resumes;

Safety protocols which include the wearing of masks, sanitisation, and physical distancing to continue; and

Night vigils or 'after tears' parties after funeral gatherings are still not allowed.

As an update to the vaccination programme, people aged between 18 and 34 will be vaccinated from 1 September.

For the full speech, click here: or watch the recording here.

For more Covid-19 updates, visit:

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