Coming Home to the Creative City

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Tuesday, 8th November 2022

The festive season is almost here and the Makana region has been busy cooking up a storm for your home coming!

It is now all ready to welcome back home old and new friends to experience the best of Makhanda and surroundings for an unforgettable time. Here are just a few ways you can celebrate the authenticity of the Makana region:

Township Cruise

Experience the true flavour of Makhanda with a township cruise on 05 November 2022 with a township cruise you just can’t miss. The cruise features short informative talks along the route, taking participants on a memorable exploration of Makhanda East’s notable landscape and history, with stops at popular taverns. It is kasi fun, unplugged

Discover Makhanda afresh with these multimedia tours

Here is an awesome visual guide to the inside and outside of Makhanda - its people, the sights, and all the city has to offer. Learn more here: and explore Makhanda through these videos here:

Makana Music festival: 17 December 2022

Make sure not to miss out on the first annual Makana Music Festival that will be happening in Makhanda on 17 December 2022. The event will feature live performances by: Big Zulu; Boohle; Lamiez Holworthy; Mr Thela; Ligwa; Hnuhnuza; and Butho Vuthela with MCs: Mafa Bavuma and Tshepiso Nzayo.

Hot Summer Fling: 17 December 2022

Blom's Entertainment presents the Summer Fling of live entertainment featuring Moxii (PE); Mr Doo (GHT); Altered Noise (PA) andDJ Haartjies (GHT).

We Better 2getha Cultural Fest: 18 December 2022

It’s going to be a cultural feast of live music at the Miki Yili Stadium in Makhanda on 18 December 2022. See you there!

Ecawa Music Festival: 24 December 2022

Ecawa Music Festival, formally known as Ndlambe Music Festival, will be coming to entertain us on 24 December 2022. It promises to give you the best countdown to Christmas and New Year’s Eve with a memorable line-up of performers.

And there is still much more:

👉 The Makana Tourism Channel featuring local doccies and events: Keep up with Makana by subscribing today!

👉 The Makana region and surrounds has unique hiking trails that you can explore all year round:

👉 Visitors have easy access to the unspoilt beaches of the Sunshine Coast and accommodation options both inland and on the coast:

👉 View the Big Five in premier game reserves in a malaria and bilharzia-free environment:

👉 Enjoy our spectacularly rugged scenery and immerse yourself in our rich history while enjoying our warm hospitality:

👉 Keep up to date with local events:

👉 And also be on the lookout for special getaway deals and packages:

👉 Unlock more authentic experiences in the Makana region here:

The Makana region is made up of the City of Makhanda together with the nearby towns of Alicedale and Riebeek East and the quaint villages of Fort Brown, Salem, Seven Fountains and Sidbury, under the umbrella of Makana Municipality in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The Makana region forms part of the Sarah Baartman District Municipality.

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