Puku isiXhosa Story Competition
Monday, 1st December 2014

The PUKU Children’s Literature Foundation had their official launch for their isiXhosa Story Competition on Wednesday 1 October 2014 in Grahamstown. Teachers, parents, students and community leaders attended the event at Nombulelo Secondary School in the Joza Township.
This amazing story competition isn’t simply about the powerful effects of creativity and writing. It strives to celebrate and promote the isiXhosa language – allowing a platform for children to express themselves in their mother tongue. Moreover, the event is sponsored by REDISA, the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa. As collaborative initiative by PUKU and REDISA, supported by Nal’ibali, the competition invites young people to write in isiXhosa on environmental themes. This combined initiative has one important central theme:
Let’s celebrate our world and our environment through celebrating our language
This event also spurred excitement about the third annual Puku Story Festival, which will take place in Grahamstown between 20 and 22 February 2015. Keep an eye out on this date as the winners Story Competition will be announced.
More at: http://nalibali.org/puku-launches-isixhosa-story-competition