Water Shortage in Grahamstown
Sunday, 1st July 2018

Water Rationing in effect in Grahamstown during National Arts Festival.
The Executive Mayor of the Makana Local Municipality, Councillor Nomhle Gaga, takes this opportunity on behalf of Council’s political leadership and municipal personnel to welcome all visitors to the National Arts Festival. Visitors to the beautiful city of Grahamstown are assured that the Makana Municipal team will be working tirelessly, together with national, provincial and local partners, to ensure that water service delivery will contribute towards making the Festival “11 days of awesome”.
However, while every effort has been made to put the necessary contingency arrangements in place to ensure the smooth staging of this high-priority event, it is an operational reality that Makana Local Municipality is located in a water scarce region and is currently in the midst of a very serious and prolonged drought. The dire state of water reserves in particularly Settlers Dam demanded that Council declare a state of disaster on 4 May 2017.
In accordance with Municipal By-Laws, therefore, the following water rationing arrangements are currently in effect in Grahamstown and are applicable to every institution, including all accommodation and hospitality establishments (guest houses, lodges, residences, hotels, B&Bs, pubs, restaurants, etc): In order to stretch the availability of potable water during the drought, outlet valves at all reservoirs will be throttled at 21h00 each night and opened at 05h00. This will allow critical water storage levels to recover after daily usage. Throttling reduces pressure which will affect the rate at which water comes out of taps during these hours. Residents and visitors are urged to be patient, while water reserves are stretched to meet Festival demand.
Residents and visitors are also urged to:
* Limit total water use to a maximum of a total of 100 litres per person, per day (includes water for bathing, flushing, laundry and cooking); and
* To use municipal drinking water for essential indoor use only. No use of garden hosepipes for any purpose is permitted.
* Water leaks must be reported immediately to Makana at 046 603 6063 / 6136 during office hours or 046 603 6000 after hours and weekends.
In keeping with water restriction practice, Makana Municipality will implement stepped water tariffs from 01 July 2017.
The co-operation and support of residents and visitors to “Care for Makana and Save Every Drop” is appreciated.
For further information please contact Makana’s Communications Officer,
Ms Yoliswa Ramokolo at 046 – 602 4403/16 or 078 550 2707 or 076 271 2804 or
yramokolo@makana.giv.za or amjekula@makana.gov.za