When I was a Fish
Friday, 17th April 2015

Join Jacana Media and Mike Bruton for the launch of: When I was a Fish – Tales of an Ichthyologist.
Date: Thursday 23 April.
Time: 19:00
Venue: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), Somerset Street, Grahamstown.
Eats and drinks will be served.
RSVP: mikefishesbruton@gmail.com by 17 April 2015.
Mike became obsessed with fishes during his early childhood and carried this passion with him throughout his career. He was born in East London where the first living coelacanth was found and studied at Rhodes University at the same time as the great ichthyologist, Professor JLB Smith, who described ‘old fourlegs’. He subsequently became Director of the Ichthyology Institute established in Smith’s name and pioneered searches for the coelacanth off the coast of southern Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean.
This fast-paced, highly readable book not only recounts Mike’s extraordinary life as a fish biologist in Africa but also explores and discusses the various issues and topics in which he has been involved as a scientist, conservationist and science educator. Through funny, peculiar and sometimes bizarre episodes, he shows that an aquatic scientist’s life is a story worth telling!